
Friday, September 28, 2012

The Colors Of The Rainbow

The rainbow is one of the most beautiful yet fleeting wonders of nature. The rainbow is made up of seven  brilliant colors that appear in this order, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. If a second rainbow is visible, the colors will be in reverse.

It takes three things to occur to be able to see the seven colors of the rainbow. The first thing is that the sun has to be shining. The second thing is that the sun must be behind you, and lastly, there must be drops of water in the air in front of you. The sunlight shines into the droplets of water that act as tiny prisms that bend or "refract" the light and separate it into the seven brilliant colors..

Each  water droplet reflects only one color of light, so there has to be a lot water drops to make a full rainbow. The brightest rainbows appear when the water drops are large, and usually after a rain shower.

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